Something New Is Calling

Applications for an innovative new exchange program are being accepted now. Learn more HERE. |
From the Smithsonian /
"In coordination with, and with support from, the U.S. Department of State’s Cultural Heritage Center, SI is developing a two-year cultural exchange program that will bring together scholars and experts from African nations and the diaspora with U.S. counterparts and institutions. Led by NMAfA and managed by the Smithsonian’s Office of International Relations (OIR), the program complements a NMAfA Mellon Foundation grant being implemented by the NMAfA that aims to develop an Afrocentric museology focused on documentation, care, and research that crosscuts conservators, registrars, archivists, and curators. The project will result in a framework for prioritizing African knowledge in museum practice, collections management, and research policies and procedures appropriate for a 21st-century Global African Art Museum located on any continent." | LEARN MORE.