Enough Already

Professor Dorothy Roberts details a particular assault on the African-American family. |
Via Slate Magazine /
"ASFA (Adoption and Safe Familes Act of 1997) was marketed using racist rhetoric that vilified impoverished Black mothers and demeaned their bonds with their children. Its passage was part of a legislative assault on government assistance to Black families that held out adoption as the solution to Black children’s hardships. I have investigated the harms the child welfare system inflicts on Black families for more than two decades and have witnessed how ASFA intensifies the system’s targeting of Black communities for disruption. It is time to repeal this destructive law." | Read the FULL ARTICLE at SLATE

Critics say the policies of child welfare agencies, rather than acting for the benefit of children, in many cases harm families. https://t.co/U5Ts7zs3DW pic.twitter.com/qOAlRPW4KL
— CBS Sunday Morning 🌞 (@CBSSunday) December 3, 2022